Home CCTV Install – Pudsey, West Yorkshire
Details of CCTV Installation:
Home CCTV installation
The latest IP HD 5MP 1080p cameras
30m infrared zoom function
Complete property coverage with a 4 camera installation
Privacy feature to block out neighbours windows
Looking for CCTV at your home?
More info about this home CCTV installation – including actual photos from footage!
This residential customer, based in Pudsey, West Leeds, wanted complete cover of the property, which meant our team installed cameras on the front and back of the house, in addition to another camera covering the driveway and the entrance to garage door.
The CCTV cameras used by the team here at Zone CCTV are the very latest IP HD 5mp 1080p cameras with 30m infra red zoom. The customer was pleasantly surprised by just how clear the picture really is with these cameras. You can also use the digital zoom button to make the recording images bigger.
View more Zone CCTV Footage on Vimeo!

With the cameras being 5MP there are many mega pixels to play with, so the image doesn’t distort as easily when using the zoom function.
A thin, discrete black cable was run neatly around the property leading to the CCTV system recording inside the house.
The customers were very keen not to intrude on any of the privacy of their neighbours, so we utilised advanced software in the CCTV system to block out views to the bedroom windows of nearby houses.
Looking for CCTV at your home?