Home CCTV Install (January), Huddersfield, Yorkshire
Details of CCTV Installation:
Home CCTV installation
The latest IP HD 5MP 1080p cameras
4 channel recording device. New cameras easily added
Front and back property coverage with a 2 camera system
Linked to family smartphones and computers for remote viewing
Cable hidden behind guttering for a neat, tidy install
1 TB of memory for 2-3 weeks continuous recording!
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Looking for CCTV at your home?

More info about this home CCTV installation in Huddersfield!
Here is a recent installation of HD CCTV in Huddersfield. A HD 2 Camera system, camera at the back and one at the front.
Our team didn’t install a CCTV camera down the side of the property as it wasn’t deemed to present any major vulnerabilities to the property; information which came to light following our free site survey, which saved the customer money and led to a faster install turnaround.
The cameras were connected to the large TV in the lounge rather than using a monitor. The new CCTV system was also linked up to the internet, smartphones and iPads so that every member of the family has remote viewing access. All the cable was hidden in the gutter and round the other side of the property.
Another very happy Zone CCTV customer from Huddersfield!
View Zone CCTV Home CCTV Footage on Vimeo!

Looking for CCTV at your home?