More info about this home CCTV installation in Horsforth, Leeds!
Zone CCTV recently installed a 3 x CCTV camera system to Ben’s house in Horsforth, Leeds. Unfortunately, Ben got burgled in the early hours of the morning. The perpetrator snapped the locks at the rear of the property and gained entry, before locating the car keys and making off with Ben’s vehicle. At the time, Ben and his family had just come out of hospital following the birth of his baby boy, and this incident left them very distressed.
After booking a security site survey with Zone CCTV, we were there the very next day. First, our team upgraded the customer’s locks to 3 star anti snap security locks. This is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of enhancing the security your property. Take a look at the following video, demonstrating just how easy it is for someone to break poor quality locks. If you need to upgrade your locks, contact us today!
Our CCTV engineers also installed a 3 camera system at this property in Horsforth. One CCTV camera at the front, one at the side and the other at the rear of the property. It is important that you don’t position your CCTV cameras too high up, so you can get a good look of peoples faces as they walk down your driveway. In the below video, you can see actual footage taken from the camera at this property – you can clearly see the DPD delivery drivers face and the registration plate number on the van!
Utilising CCTV video analytics, push notifications are sent to the customer’s mobile phones. If someone walks down the driveway towards the property, or if someone appears in the back garden, the customer will receive a video of the incident. This service is free of charge and very useful.
If you are thinking about having CCTV installed to your home or commercial premises feel free to contact us anytime.