Home CCTV Install – Harrogate, West Yorkshire
Details of CCTV Installation:
Home CCTV installation
The latest IP HD 5MP 1080p cameras
40m infrared zoom function
Complete property coverage with a 3 wide-angle camera installation
Linked to all iPads and tablet computers
Cable hidden behind drain pipes for neat and tidy install
Fast installation after initial quotation
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Looking for CCTV at your home?

More info about this home CCTV installation in Harrogate!
Unfortunately, there has been a recent spate of burglaries recently in this affluent area of Harrogate in North Yorkshire.
After calling Zone CCTV to discuss their options, this homeowner decided to install some HD CCTV security cameras to help significantly increase the security at their property, acting as a preventative approach to crime. The new CCTV cameras were installed to cover both the front and the side of the property. Because there are no doors or windows (nor any access) around the back or other side of the property, these areas didn’t need CCTV cameras as part of the setup.
The footage from the new CCTV cameras were available to the linked mobile devices belonging to each of the family members, which we gave full training and support on how to use.
The Zone CCTV team were were able to install the new camera system on a weekend too, to help with the owners work commitments.

Looking for CCTV at your home?